Thursday, October 16, 2008


Meat After Meat Joy

Daneyal Mahmood Gallery

511 West 25th Street, 3rd Floor, 212-675-2966
October 16 - November 15, 2008
Opening: Thursday, October 16, 5:30 - 8:30PM

Sheffy Bleier, Lauren Bockow, Adam Brandejs, Tania Bruguera, Nezaket Ekici, Anthony Fisher, Betty Hirst, Zhang Huan, Tamara Kostianovsky, Simone Racheli, David Raymond, Dieter Roth, Carolee Schneemann, Stephen j Shanabrook, Jana Sterbak, Jenny Walton, Pinar Yolacan

If the flesh disturbs you, then the reality behind the issue would disturb you far more if we opened our eyes long enough to see it. We live in a culture disconnected from what it is doing to itself and others, we choose to ignore rather than deal with the reality we have created for ourselves.
- Adam Brandejs

Meat After Meat Joy brings together the work of contemporary artists who use meat in their work (raw meat, the concept of meat, its symbolism and viscera) in order to investigate the paradoxical relationship meat has to the body. Meat combines flesh, skin, muscle, organs, blood - each with its own relationship to the body, yet meat's only reference to the body is as a once-upon-a-time living biological thing. By putting these artists together, the exhibition seeks to investigate the uncanny effect meat as a medium is for artist and viewer. This is not a show about meat as spectacle but about meat as signification, precisely because meat does not signify (a body) but its very more
- Heide Hatry

I've always loved the pic of this dude in his meat suit, and meat and food in general so I'm definitely going, and so is my bro Reid of So in a big thanks to sherri for hooking me up with another link in one week, I'll Meat you guys there...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this exhibit was great! one of the women there was wearing a dress with meat as well as meat earings, hot...
